
PolyMetal Abschlusskonferenz am 30. September 2021

"Design flexibility of plastics, but look and feel like metals: PolyMetal successful crossboarder cooperation"

Wann? Am 30. September 2021

Wo? Montanuniversität Leoben und online via Microsoft Teams

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Weitere Infos: http://www.ausseninstitut-leoben.at/de/7367/



PolyTherm RelPow Abschlussmeeting

Am 7. Juli 2021 durfte das PCCL das PolyTherm RelPow Abschlussmeeting austragen, welches ein voller Erfolg war.

Paper of the month im Journal Polymer Chemistry

Erneut wurde eine Veröffentlichung unserer Kolleginnen und Kollegen zum "Paper of the month" im Journal Polymer Chemistry gewählt.

Titel: Locally controlling dynamic exchange reactions in 3D printed thiol-acrylate vitrimers using dual-wavelength digital light processing.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

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IEA PVPS Task 13 Webinar: New Photovoltaic Material & Module Developments (15 June 2021)

You are invited to participate on the IEA PVPS Task 13 Webinar: New  Photovoltaic Material & Module Developments -  15 June 2021 15:30-17:00 hrs. (UTC+01:00), courtesy of IEA PVPS Task 13 and Fernando Nuno, PVPS ExCo Copper Alliance.

PVPS Task 13 Experts Gernot Oreski, Division Manager, Polymer Competence Center Leoben, Austria, and Laura Bruckman, Research Associate Professor, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland will speak and answer your questions on the recently published IEA PVPS Task 13 Report on “Designing New Materials for Photovoltaics: Opportunities for Lowering Cost and Increasing Performance through Advanced Material Innovations”.  This report provides a global survey of technical efforts aimed at lowering cost and increasing performance and reliability of PV modules by employing new designs, materials and concepts.

At this Task 13 Webinar, find out:

  • Why material interactions and incompatibilities are important for PV module reliability;
  • How selection of backsheet and encapsulant is influencing PV module degradation modes; and
  • Can PV modules be made more reliable through careful selection of their individual components?

Register now at: https://copperalliance.zoom.us/webinar/register/3316112158758/WN_NppL2ExHQM6EFwrhUvvFxQ